Artist: Nakay – Chronic Demise Split
Album: Split
Label: ???
Release Date: ???
Format: Cassette
This cassette is a split of two grind bands, Nakay and Chronic Demise. The J Card is a printed folded paper with the band names and a track listing. The tape itself is plain grey clear color with just simple markings for each bands side. The tape looks to be a DIY job as I would expect from grindcore bands, although the cassette itself may have been pro done, as it sounds consistent. The labeling on the tape looks like it was pro done, even if it is just a stencil of each bands name, so either way, good job guys.
Nakay’s side starts right in and does not relent for the whole side of the tape – blast beasts, guttural vocals, with brief spattering of samples / effects in the transitions. The grinds are fast as fuck, and beyond tight, guitars are thick and the vocals are powerful and present in the mix, just at the right spot.
The Chronic Demise side brings a stark contrast, starting with slow sludge riffs that transition into grinding fast blasting sections. Big fat riffs, big thick cords, nasty grinding parts and shrieking vocals, not as fast as the Nakay but the slow-fast effect makes up for that.
This was another pick out of my racks. I sometimes get these tapes and listen once or twice, and forget. With this project I get to really delve in, take time, and listen to the nuances in the sound each band put forth. As far as I can tell Nakay is still active, while Chronic Demise seems not to be. Links are below to band pages for each.
No labels, no bullshit, just 10 minutes of grind. There is an email address printed below the track listings on the back of the tape, no middlemen here. Just put the tape in and shut up already. I like this part of grindcore. It’s about the music, anti capitalist, anti everything. I can dig that.