0022 – Forget The Times – Soul Music Vinyl Record

Music Review Blog Forget The Times Cover

Artist: Forget The TimesForget The Times Vinyl Record Pond
Album: Soul Music
Label: Already Dead Tapes
Release Date: Feb 21, 2012
Format: Vinyl Record

Forget The Times are a noise rock band from Kalamazoo, Michigan. This release came out in 2012 on “Already Dead Tapes.” The treatment of this record features a simple fold over style heavy weight paper cover and standard black vinyl. The graphics on the cover art are a line drawing featuring 2 men playing a game looks sort of like checkers, maybe. Additionally the center logo on the record itself is a nice touch. Great layout and design all the way around!

Soul Music Review Vinyl on PondThere is a sound that is contained within this record, I would best sum it up as a frenzied jazzy wall of noise. At moments, part jam band and the next moment jazz ensemble.

The intro song, “Romans in Storage,” has what sounds to be a zombie chorus. Short and noisy it’s over as quickly as it begins. Up next, “Marion Morrison” has a sparse sound that I found really enjoyable. The drums are plodding an almost rudimentary beat, while the guitars jangle back and forth across the stereo field. The song has a looseness and effortlessness that is refreshing, overall just real chill and enjoyable.

The longest track is “From The Basement To The Grave” which again brings sparse guitar noise and accents as the mainstay, while small hints of jangly percussion clank alongside, but not really with. The song has the feel of a total jam, unplanned chaos and noise rule throughout. At 6 minutes in I find myself wondering where is this going, what am I doing here, who am I.Soul Music Review Vinyl Record Under Tree

The track name and sonic landscape that comes next is “Alarm Clock Celebration” and it works to cleanse the ear pallet from the 8 minute jam that preceded. This track is short and brief. I like it!

“Dead Slint” is as much of a normal song as can be had on this album. The drums are formulating a more standard beat and the bass carries a rhythm alongside. The guitars stay in the realm of twinkly stereo noisescape.

The second to last track clocks in at just over seven minutes and consists of a return to the free form style jam. This song seems to have a beginning and an end – but the in between is a mess of guitar noise and ramble jamble drums.

“Pillows And Blankets” is the closer, with a more structured back bone at the outset. The bass carries a rhythm as guitars swell alongside in a slow drone. This is a nice change in the pacing of the chaotic mess that had been so prominent in previous tracks. Simpler, bordering on drone, this track has some of my favorite moments on the album. The sparse openness that is achieved allows everything to breathe, and lets the tone of the drone shine.

Forget the Times are unconstrained and with that not everything is a hit. However,  when it is, it’s very memorable. The recording is spot on, the artwork is stellar, and the music contained is unique and interesting I look forward to delving into the catalog further with this group. Click the links below to check out more about these guys and the label.

Forget The Times On BandcampMusic Review Blog Vinyl Record Landscape

Forget The Times On Facebook

Already Dead Tapes

Music Review Blog Photos by Nibiinabekwe Hawks Michigan
Photos by Nibiinabekwe – Co Rd. 634, Hawks, Michigan.

0020 – Sete Star Sept Bullshit Market Split Cassette

Sete Star Sept Bullshit Market Cassette in Woods

Artist: Bullshit Market / Sete Star SeptTrashfuck Records Cassette in Roots
Album: Split
Label: Trashfuck Records
Release Date: May 12th 2016
Format: Cassette Tape

This release is a split cassette from Detroit’s Bullshit Market and Japan’s Sete Star Sept. The tape has a unique two tone black and grey shell, with DIY style stick on labels. The tape dubbing, and overall recording, is on par with what you would expect from a grindcore or noise artist. Lo-fi; but in the right way. A little dirty, a little muddy. Sometimes things are lost with this style of recording, but I feel that this one got its own flavor from that treatment. The actual cover art is super intricate, lots to take in and look at, with chaotic line drawings and liner notes.

Sete Star Sept & Bullshit Market Liner NotesThe recording of Sete Star Sept is live from a show in Detroit, and overall the sound is a very dense wall of chaos. There are a few spots where the audio seems to have an effect of some sort, I am guessing it’s a post recording glitch effect. The sound is cool and adds to the overall feeling and transition of the track.

The Bullshit Market side of the tape has its own feel and pulse. I can’t quite put my finger on it, however I sure have enjoyed it. It has pace and movement in the chaos. Samples come in and out as the noise weaves through. I always appreciate noise when it knows how to flow appropriately. I found Bullshit Market to be masters in this art.Cassette Tape in Clear Cut Forest

This was a fun tape to digest. Capturing, and encapsulating, the raw energy that is within this music is not easy. This tape did exactly that, captured and replicated, to my ears, the chaos of these 2 groups.

Bullshit Market Bandcamp

Sete Star Sept Website

Trashfuck Records Bandcamp

Duel Color Split Cassette in Forest


Photos by Nibiinabekwe Scenic Rte 1 Atlanta State Forest, Atlanta Michigan.
Photos by Nibiinabekwe • Scenic Rte 1 Atlanta State Forest, Atlanta Michigan. Clear cut forest land to provide raw timber to be burnt for electricity in the village of Hillman, they mix the wood pulp with shredded used tires to provide Northern Michigan’s own form of “green” energy. I find it rather heartbreaking.